Subcontract Manufacturing Quality Control Management
Maximize the efficiency of your quality team with mobile field quality control applications.
Mobile field quality control
Subcontract Manufacturing Quality Control Management
vSRM Contract manufacturing quality control module; In the project-based production sector, it enables you to digitalize the intermediate quality controls, finished product quality control and on-site acceptance processes that must be carried out at the supplier production site.
Intermediate quality control requests are made by the manufacturers. Requests can be automatically assigned to the relevant field quality control teams according to the scope of the control to be performed and the responsibility areas of the field teams. Appointments approved by the central planning team are sent to the mobile phones of the personnel in the field as work orders, and online referrals are made.
Based on the control plans defined on the basis of product and product groups according to the scope of the control to be carried out in the field, the quality control results can be entered on a mobile basis and the necessary product images and test results can be uploaded.
In the textile sector; It is ensured that the intermediate control results of contract manufacturing are entered on the basis of model and size. By ensuring that the transitions to the next production stages are made in a controlled manner, it is ensured that the production of quality products is guaranteed from the manufacturing stage.
Field quality control results; Depending on the control plan for each control sample, it can be entered on the basis of the criteria in the control plan or the batch result can be entered as a summary.
Work planning of field quality teams
Automatic planning support is provided according to the job assignment algorithms determined on the basis of supplier and product group.
Redirecting work assignments to mobile devices
New job assignments are downloaded to the mobile phone of the personnel in the field and they are directed during the day.
Mobile recording
Quality control processes in the field are recorded online with mobile devices.
Online access to product-based detail control plans
Midterm control and final control plans defined in the ERP system can be accessed online.
Detailed or summary result entry
Detailed results can be recorded on sample basis or summary results can be entered on lot basis.