
Transportation Management

Digitize your logistics operations by increasing visibility and control over Inbound Shipping planning and tracking.

Transportation Management //



Optimize your logistics operations and improve your workflow by increasing visibility and control with vSRM’s transport management module.

Meet the transportation management system offered in the cloud that can be integrated with in-house enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.


Take control of your shipping and logistics expenses with the vSRM Shipping management solution.

With the import / export file tracking, you can manage the transportation and logistics costs in foreign trade applications and all the costs incurred on the basis of the import file, integrated with the customs consultant system. After the cost item confirmations, the relevant records are automatically transferred to your ERP system.


Simplify the management of your Logistics Operations

Plan and ensure that material collection practices such as Milk-Run are coordinated in an environment involving suppliers and other business partners.

With vSRM Ramp Reservation systems, prevent vehicle queues caused by vehicles sent by suppliers without knowing each other in logistics centers, warehouses and stores where heavy shipments are made.




Transportation Management Tools

Inbound Transportation Management

Domestic and International incoming material transportation planning. Manage the transportation planning and tracking of incoming materials in a coordinated way, including all parties…

Transportation Management Tools

Milk-Run Management

Ensure that the purchasing company, supplier and 3rd party logistics company work on the same data at the same time. With the milk-run application; Plan daily material shipments as needed, just in time and in small batches…

Transportation Management Tools

International Transportation Management

Provide end-to-end traceability for transport planning and tracking for import and export operations and material logistics. Take control of your logistics expenses with an all-in-one shipping solution.

Transportation Management Tools

Reservation Management

Make balanced workload distribution and planning in material acceptance operations in logistics centers. Reduce vehicle waiting times in the logistics center…

Transportation Management Tools

Logistics Center Operations

Provide online visibility of the transportation process until the product leaves the supplier and reaches its final destination, track all material entry and exit processes in logistics centers with vSRM…

Transportation Management Tools

Import Export File Tracking & Custom Clearance Operations

Provide inter-system integration with integration services in the digitalization of foreign trade operations and customs procedures involving all parties, and foreign trade expense tracking…

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