
Catalog Management

Take a different approach to creating visual requisition and fast ordering with your contracted suppliers!

Catalog Management //

Take a different approach to creating visual requisition and fast ordering with your contracted suppliers!

Catalog Management

Reduce your purchasing workload by moving your routine, recurring supplies and service purchases to the purchasing catalogs you have defined for your contracted suppliers. provide them with the online shopping experience they are used to.

You can categorize your catalogs according to your purchasing category tree, you can quickly create your catalogs with detailed information and visuals for your preferred suppliers after eSourcing operations and open them to the access of end users. Thanks to the structure that allows suppliers to define their own catalogs and detailed information, catalog maintenance and revisions can be submitted to the purchasing company’s category managers for approval.

With the support of central catalog management, you can easily manage all your purchasing catalogs from a single point by determining which group companies and locations the supplier catalogs you have contracted with will be valid for.

For companies whose requisition management is built on the ERP system, the approved catalog items can be automatically transferred to the group company ERP systems and access can be provided through the ERP system during request entry.

Request with Visual Catalogs

Products and Services can be requested quickly and easily through visual catalogues.

Central Catalog Management

One-stop management of common catalogs for multiple companies

ERP System Integration

Quick creation of catalogs in different ERP Systems of multiple companies

Controlled Management of Active Catalogs

Approval Mechanisms for Supplier Changes

Catalog Updates by Supplier

Your suppliers can upload and update their own catalogs.

Quick order

Fast Order Release on Negotiated Prices

Multi Company Catalog Management

Automatic creation of central purchasing catalogs after eSourcing operations.

Automatic transfer of common catalogs to ERP systems of multi companies.

Central creation and updating of catalog information in all companies’ ERP systems at once.

Benefits >

Easy and Central Catalog Management

Easy, fast and controlled catalog management for multi companies

Classification of catalogs

Use of the general catalog tree structure in group of companies, creation of a common language

Detailed Product Descriptions

Ensuring that the catalogs are managed by the suppliers

Detailed Description

Images, product features, supplier product codes…

Spend Control

Controlled ordering and spending at contracted prices

Uploading from Excel

Ability to load Catalogs quickly with Excel

Purchasing Category Tree

Purchasing Categories and catalog trees are a structure that allows multi-layered groupings that allow the end user to quickly reach the products they are looking for when choosing products from the catalog.

While purchasing category tree can be defined for the whole company, company-based special category trees can also be defined. Category definitions in category trees can be named and branched according to needs in an easy-to-understand way for the end user, independent of product grouping and coding of catalog items.

In which branch of the category tree the catalog products will be located, activation of the catalog tree, reflection of the updates made in the catalog tree structure to the active catalogs are supported by approved publication mechanisms.

Category trees; It enables the end user to experience the user experience that they are accustomed to in online shopping sites in the vSRM system.

Benefits >

Central Category Tree Management

Management of purchasing category trees for group companies from a single point

Special Category Trees

Ability to define department-based special category trees

Practical and Controlled

Controlled change management

Online shopping experience

User experience designed like an online shopping structure


Different category trees that can be published simultaneously

Self Service Supplier Catalog Management

Suppliers can see the active product portfolios of the purchasing company, enter the information of the products they have just included in the product portfolio, and make product recommendations to the company they have purchased.

New products can be added to active catalogues automatically after the review and approval of the purchasing company’s category manager.

Supplier catalogs, including images, can be automatically imported into the vSRM Catalog Management system via web services. Active catalogs are updated after category managers’ checks and events.

During the escalation periods, price changes or campaign information are submitted to the purchasing managers for approval.

Approved price changes are automatically transferred to the ERP systems of the company purchased through the vSRM Catalog Management system.

Benefits >

Online Catalog Definition

Entering catalog product information by the supplier

Automated Information Flow

Automatic retrieval of supplier product portfolio information via web services

Controlled Approval Processes

Control and approval processes of product and catalog information and price revisions entered by suppliers

Automatic Update

Automatic updating of active catalogs after approvals

Uploading from Excel

Fast transfer of catalogs from Excel by the supplier

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